This a hand colored magic lantern glass slide of the players on the World Tour in front of the Sphinx in Egypt. The artistry of the colorist was outstanding, at first glance the image appears to be a color photograph. The tourist were in Egypt…

Tris Speaker is in full swing in this image taken during the World Tour stop in London. This photo must have been taken contemporaneously with the image used in the 1915 Susini and 1934 R & J Hill baseball cards featuring Speaker. The uniforms are…

This image captures Jack Lapp, catcher for the Philadelphia Athletics, about to apply the tag to the runner during the 1913 World Series. Hall of Fame Pitcher Eddie Plank is seen near home plate and Hall of Fame third baseman Frank Baker is covering the…

Hall of Fame second baseman Eddie Collins is depicted in the outfield of Jungle Park in Waxahachie in Spring Training 1921 with the Chicago White Sox. Of particular note is the tower of the Ellis County courthouse visible to the side of Collins’ left arm.…

Chief Bender just before game 5 of the 1911 World Series at Shibe Park in Philadelphia. Bender won the game and the A’s went on to defeat the New York Giants in the series to claim the World Championship. Graig Kreindler, the noted artist, used…

The Tigers trained in Waxahachie, at Jungle Park, in 1916-1918. This image of Cobb was captured in March 1917 and with the other group shot in the collection is the only known photo of Ty Cobb in Waxahachie. Cobb was perhaps the greatest player of…

Bain captures the Philadelphia Athletics coming on the field at the Polo Grounds in New York for the first game of the World Series in which they would ultimately prevail and repeat as World Champions. The elephant sweaters are one of the iconic uniform pieces…