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A Photographic Treasury of Baseball’s Deadball Era

Great image of Rabbit Maranville in 1914. It is a distinct possibility that the signature is Maranville’s himself as this RPPC was removed from a Maranville family scrapbook.

Game action at League Park in Cleveland c. 1909 based on the uniforms. The opponent is the Detroit Tigers. Nap Lajoie, the Cleveland second baseman, is the player at right. The Tiger runner is unknown, but it is fun to think it could be Ty…

Hughie Jennings showing his trademark enthusiasm coaching the Detroit Tigers. Interesting advertising on the outfield wall.

Eddie Collins is seen sliding into second base at a game between the Red Sox and A’s at the Huntington Grounds in Boston circa 1909. This postcard has been trimmed to focus on the central action. Rare close in shot of game action during this…

This postcard was likely created by a collector in October 1907. It depicts the 15 Detroit Tiger players who were included in the Dietsche Tigers postcard set. The collector likely collected the entire set, handwrote the players names and positions on the front of the…

Postcard featuring the Detroit Tigers during their American League pennant run in 1907. The clarity and tone can vary widely with this postcard, this one has a particularly rich sepia tone and outstanding clarity. Ty Cobb, during his first full season, is seen in the…

This is perhaps the rarest of the Ty Cobb rookie postcards, the H.M. Taylor LaFond Detroit Tigers Floral Horseshoe postcard commemorating “Wild Bill” Donovan. It depicts Donovan receiving a floral horseshoe during the September 30, 1907 Tigers game at Philadelphia when his Philadelphia fans presented…

In 1914 the Chicago White Sox passed through Abilene, Texas on their way back from training camp in Paso Robles, California. Eddie Collins is seen a the bat against a local team of bankers. It was a regular occurrence in the Deadball Era for Major…

Cleveland Naps team postcard showcasing Carl Horner photographic images. This card was issued by the Souvenir Post Card Shop in Cleveland and is rare with the advertising slug on front. The shop issued a full postcard set featuring the individual player shots shown here in…

1905 Asylum BBC: Standing L to R: John Degnan, Fisher Launt, Chris Genegal, Tommy Murray, W. E. Cook Manager in suit, Charlie Tierney, Jack Chesbro, Art Madison, Tuck Turner. Kneeling L to R: Pete Lamer, Chris Rhinecker, Tommy Morehead, John Lawlor. Photo by Charles A. Ketcham. Fascinating…

Roger Bresnahan from the Bregstone postcard set which featured member of the St. Louis Cardinals and St. Louis Browns. This set features stunning clarity and on the field shots of the players.

1912 team postcard of the Boston Red Sox produced by The Photo Art Shop. This image was published after they had captured the American League pennant, but prior to the time they captured the World Series title.