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A Photographic Treasury of Baseball’s Deadball Era

Fantastic shot of Frank Baker in full swing against the backdrop of New York’s Hilltop Park. Based on the uniforms and the fact Hilltop was not used by the Highlanders after 1912, this photo is likely from that year.

Superb Brown Brothers image of Ty Cobb striking a batting pose at Bennett Park in Detroit circa 1915. One of our favorite Cobb images.

This image was taken of Christy Mathewson at the 1911 World Series. Matty is seen warming up in his black uniform, only worn during the 1911 World Series, prior to a game in the Polo Grounds. This photo was by Brown Brothers, their 108 Fulton…

This image of Walter Johnson was taken in 1913 at the Polo Grounds in New York. Johnson’s Washington Senators played against the New York Highlanders who started using the Polo Grounds in 1912, but only after the last game the Senators played against them that…

Incredibly sharp early image of HOFer Zack Wheat. Wheat is seen in a dark billed white cap with the Brooklyn “B” inside a diamond. This cap was only used in 1912. The stadium, with the gap between the grandstands is clearly Washington Park in Brooklyn…

A crisp Brown Brothers photograph of Chief Bender in Shibe Park Philadelphia circa 1911. This shot was used to produce his 1912 T227 card, note the rotation of the image for the card which produces an unnatural tilt to his head. The original glass plate…

Tris Speaker is shown goofing off with the team’s mascot, Danny Callahan, prior to the World Tour game in London. Note the black long sleeve shirt under his jersey and the high collar. Now look at the swinging photo of Speaker also taken it London…

Cy Young at the bat in Spring Training 1911. This photo was likely taken in Hot Springs, Arkansas in February where a conglomeration of Major League players gathered before joining their teams. Note the glove tucked into his waist and his Cleveland sweater. Judging by…

Home Run Baker scores a run during the 1913 World Series in Game 1. The A’s hunchback mascot and good luck charm, Louis Van Zelst, is there to congratulate him.

Buy Now – $3,000 George Grantham Bain’s close in portrait of Speaker with his bat. It captures Speaker’s intensity. The new Fenway Park, which opened that year, is seen in the background. There are two different prints here with slightly different cropping and toning. These…

Snapshot the Golden Outfield of Harry Hooper, Tris Speaker and Duffy Lewis in Hot Springs, Arkansas for Spring Training 1912.