A.J. Schumann postcard of the South Side park in Chicago infield view in 1908. The Chicago White Sox abandoned this wooden stadium in 1910 for the new concrete and steel Comiskey Park that would serve them for most of the 20th century. The rest of…

A.J. Schumann postcard of the Chicago White Sox’s South Side Park entrance in 1908. Advertising was part of the game even way back when. One can imagine the crowds spilling off the trains and into the ballpark. For images of the complete Schumann Chicago stadiums…

A.J. Schumann postcard of a local baseball field in Chicago Heights in 1908. The only known Schumann postcard image of a baseball field that did not feature a Major League ballpark. For a look at all the images in the Schumann Chicago stadiums “set” see…

A.J. Schumann 1908 postcard of an empty West Side Grounds in Chicago. The sender, the recipient and the date are all the same as the West Side Grounds entrance postcard in the collection. For a view of all of the Schumann Chicago stadium postcards see…

A.J. Schumann postcard of the West Side Grounds in 1908 with a view from centerfield. It is interesting to contrast the full stadium with the similar postcard of an empty stadium. The note on back was written after the Cubs and Mordecai Brown defeated the…

Edd Roush as a member of the local town team, the Oakland City Walkovers, circa 1909. This image was featured in Lawrence Ritter’s profile of Roush in his classic Deadball book The Glory of Their Times. This image perfectly captures the essence of the Era.…

The Souvenir Postcard Shop of Cleveland postcard of Robert Rhodes. This image is also seen at the top right on the team composite also in the Collection.

Future Major Leaguer Pat Ragan is shown in his Cornell College uniform circa 1905. The Cornell College yearbook featured a team photo that shows Ragan in the same uniform, front row right. Ragan threw an “Immaculate Inning”, a nine pitch all strikeout inning in 1914…

Double panel postcard issued after the Philadelphia A’s had won their American League championship just prior to their ultimate victory in the 1911 World Series against the New York Giants. The team is wearing their famous elephant sweaters.

Stetson Hats advertising postcard featuring the Philadelphia Athletics in 1911 after their championship season.

1907 Newark Sailors pitcher Hank LaBelle. Image shot by H.C. Weasner who photographed and issued large composite team photos of Minor Leagues in the 1900s. This image is from his 1907 Eastern League series. Postcards of Weasner images are very rare. LaBelle is in the…

Issued by the Rotograph company featuring Carl Horner images. Rotograph issued high quality postcards in the first decades of the 20th Century. This postcard features a composite of the individual RPPCs Rotograph produced for the New York Giants team. Also shown is a rare rotating…