Eddie Collins strikes a pose in Mineral Wells, Texas circa 1916 where the Chicago White Sox trained that Spring.

Early career image of HOF catcher Ray Schalk taken at Spring Training in Mineral Wells, Texas circa 1916 when the White Sox trained there

The Philadelphia Athletics trained in New Orleans in 1909 and it is thought this image was taken there. Collins, 2nd from left, and three of his teammates are about to embark on a golfing outing based on the clubs and golfing caps. Who is the…

Fantastic shot of Frank Baker in full swing against the backdrop of New York’s Hilltop Park. Based on the uniforms and the fact Hilltop was not used by the Highlanders after 1912, this photo is likely from that year.

Superb Brown Brothers image of Ty Cobb striking a batting pose at Bennett Park in Detroit circa 1915. One of our favorite Cobb images.

Cy Young and James “Deacon” McGuire pose on a hotel veranda in circa 1910. McGuire managed Cleveland while Young was there from 1909 to 1911. The photo is by Van Oeyen and reputedly this and dozens of other Van Oeyen framed photographs of like type…

This image was taken of Christy Mathewson at the 1911 World Series. Matty is seen warming up in his black uniform, only worn during the 1911 World Series, prior to a game in the Polo Grounds. This photo was by Brown Brothers, their 108 Fulton…

This image of Bender was taken by Charles Conlon circa 1909 based on the uniform. Note the intensity of Bender in his follow through. Conlon’s stamp, which has been marked through, and handwriting are on the back of the photo.

This image of Walter Johnson was taken in 1913 at the Polo Grounds in New York. Johnson’s Washington Senators played against the New York Highlanders who started using the Polo Grounds in 1912, but only after the last game the Senators played against them that…

Large, sharp image of Nap Rucker in 1913 based on the uniform. The annotation on back indicates the photo is from 1913. By this time, Rucker was relying on his knuckleball to get hitters out.

This trimmed and mounted photo of Nap Rucker has been signed by him. It has been suggested it is a photo by Carl Horner. Based on the uniform, 1910 is a likely date when Rucker was at the height of his powers.

Buck Weaver holding the World Tourists mascot Daniel Callahan in Stamford Bridge Stadium, Chelsea, London 1914. Note Weaver is wearing his chapeau which is seen in other images from that day in the Collection.