Iconic image of Christy Mathewson that was taken by the Bain News Service in 1902 as part of a series. Below is a 1902 New York newspaper story featuring the image. This particular print was likely used in a 1909 newspaper article featuring several images…

A trio of prints of George Chalmers by Bain’s Special Sporting Service. These are all stamped and dated on the same date. No doubt, they were printed with Bain’s auto printer which allowed multiple contact prints to made very quickly.

Jack Barry and John McGraw at the 1917 World Series. Photo by The Bain News Service.

One of the best early career Mathewson photos out there. Mathewson seems to be contemplating what fame and fortune that small orb he holds in his hand will one day bring him. It is very likely this picture was taken at a 1902 photo shoot…

In 1908 Hal Chase briefly played for the Stockton Millers while he was banned by the American League.

Pete Alexander at the Polo Grounds in New York in 1913. Taken by the Bain News Service.

Johnny Evers seen taking his cuts during batting practice at the Polo Grounds in New York in 1909. This negative from George Grantham Bain’s News Service is one of the earliest existing negatives from Bain as his services offices burned in 1908.

This is an original George Grantham Bain glass plate negative of Home Run Baker at the Polo Grounds in New York during the 1911 World Series. We know it is the World Series as the dugout background matches known images of the Polo Grounds which…

Here is an original glass plate negative produced by George Grantham Bain of Chief Bender at the 1911 World Series in the Polo Grounds in New York. Also here is an original period print from that negative which has been cropped to focus on Bender.…

George Grantham Bain photo of Hughie Jennings date stamped 1908 with a period Bain news stamp as well. This photo was definitely printed in 1908, but it may be a Type III from a duplicate negative.

Wonderful 5 x 7 image of Opening Day 1911 at Hilltop Park, home of the New York Highlanders. Hal Chase, the Highlander’s manager is seen being presented a floral wreath. The opposing team is the Washington Nationals. There are other Bain shots of this day in…

1908 photograph of New York Highlanders player/manager Kid Elberfeld taken by the legendary lensman, George Grantham Bain. Approximately 3.5 x 5 image. Bain’s stamp is on back along with a 1908 date stamp. The uniform matches the Highlanders 1908 uniform as well.