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A Photographic Treasury of Baseball’s Deadball Era

Die cut image of Mordicai Brown’s hand that was injured as a young man on the farm. This disfigurement allowed him to put a spin on the ball like no other pitcher and has a major factor in his success.

Nice image of Mordecai Brown from the collection of the Chicago Daily News circa 1909. Brown’s mangled pitching hand is clearly visible. Also of note is the phrase printed on the ballpark wall “Please do not throw bottles”, it was an interesting age!

Brown is shown here in his Chicago Federal League uniform in 1915. Brown was one of the handful of stars that joined the breakaway league. Likely a later print from the Chicago Daily News archives.

This image comes from the archives of the Chicago Daily News. The negative is located in the Chicago History Museum and indicates the shot is of Brown at the West Side Grounds during the 1907 World Series. This print is from the original negative but…

HOF pitcher “Hippo” Vaughn is shown delivering a pitch. The image was by The New York Herald, but found its way into the archive of the Chicago Daily News.

One of the best images of Young from late in his career. This image is from 1908 based on the jersey, note the “Boston” printed on the red sock on Young’s jersey along with the crisscross lace enclosure. The back tells us this image came…

Ty Cobb at the West Side Grounds in Chicago during the 1907 World Series. Simply one of the best early images of Cobb around. The original negative is in the Chicago History Museum which has labeled it as taken during the 1907 World Series. Additionally,…