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Buy Now Perhaps Bender’s best known photo. This image was shot by Charles Conlon and was used for numerous card issues such as the T206 “No Trees” and T5 Pinkerton cabinet. Analysis of the scoreboard in the expanded image above determines this photo was taken on…

Buy Now – $2,900   Terrific mounted composite photo of the members of the 1910 pennant winning Philadelphia Athletics. Razor sharp images of the team. These images are not seen anywhere else.  

Top Row: John Knight, Eddie Plank (HOF), Jack Coombs, Socks Seybold, Rube Waddell (HOF), Chief Bender (HOF), Simon Nicholls, Harry Davis, Ossee Schrecongost and Rube Vickers. Bottom Row: Bris Lord, Danny Murphy, Monte Cross, Jimmy Collins (HOF), Connie Mack (HOF), Topsy Hartsel, Rube Oldring, Doc…

One of the best images of Home Run Baker by Louis Van Oeyen who at his prime. This image is from 1909, Baker’s rookie season. We know that from the cap, collar and two strip socks which the A’s used in 1909. The clincher is…

A well known image of the Champion 1911 Philadelphia Athletics taken by William Jennings. This image was used for the Stetson Hats postcard of the A’s amongst others.

This image of Bender was taken in 1911 by Kingsmore, a noted Philadelphia photographer, during the World Series. This is one of the few known surviving prints of his work.

It is very unusual to see a photograph of a locker room during the Deadball Era. This image depicts Frank “Home Run” Baker and Stuffy McInnis in the locker room, likely in Shibe Park in Philadelphia, circa 1913.