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A Photographic Treasury of Baseball’s Deadball Era

Bender portrait that is just a tick off from his Cracker Jack card pose. Image by the Pictorial News Co. which may have been acquired later by the Keystone View Company as many Pictorial News photos have 1920’s Keystone stamps.

Bender and fellow Native American, Chief Meyers, meet prior to the start of the 1911 World Series. Photograph is by George Grantham Bain. This was a famous scene of the two Native Americans shaking hands before the start of the game. There is a second…

This is a pair of Brown Brothers images, clearly taken at the same time and likely from Spring Training based on the ballpark.

Perhaps the most graceful images of Bender ever shot. Taken at Shibe Park in Philadelphia by the American Press Association. In our humble opinion, these are the best Chief Bender photos ever shot.

Bender is shown with the New York Giants as a coach in San Antonio during Spring Training in the 1930s.

Bender still has the form! He was with a semi-pro team, Wentz-Olney a Philadelphia area team.

Bender is shown with other members of the 1917 Philadelphia Phillies. Pat Moran is on the ground at left and Grover Alexander is seated on the bench at far left. This was Bender’s last full year in the Majors.