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A Photographic Treasury of Baseball’s Deadball Era

Christy Mathewson in Marlin Springs, Texas for Spring Training wearing his favorite plaid coat. He is standing in front of a handball court which had just been built for the Giants.

Marquard at the Polo Grounds in 1909. This photo was shot by noted Colliers war photographer J.H. Hare, one of Hare’s few baseball photos. Note the early version of the Michelin Man ad on the outfield wall.

Buy Now – $1,500   Rube Marquard depicted in his first ever Major League game. Marquard was called up to the Giants on September 23rd 1908 after being purchased for $11K from Indianapolis that summer. He appeared in his one and only game in 1908…

Charles Conlon image of Bill Dahlen circa 1904. This was Conlon’s first year as a baseball photographer. Dahlen is still considered a candidate for the Hall of Fame. Buy Now – $1,500

Bender and fellow Native American, Chief Meyers, meet prior to the start of the 1911 World Series. Photograph is by George Grantham Bain. This was a famous scene of the two Native Americans shaking hands before the start of the game. There is a second…

Bender is shown with the New York Giants as a coach in San Antonio during Spring Training in the 1930s.

Bender is shown here trapshooting with Christy Mathewson. The two of them went on tour in the off season with Harry Davis and Otis Crandell. Bender was a superb trapshooter. Mathewson is wearing is 1914 World Tour sweater.