This photo shows Joe McGinnity in circa 1907. It was taken by The Pictorial News Co. and is believed to have been published in a 1907 copy of the Police Gazette.

This image was taken of Christy Mathewson at the 1911 World Series. Matty is seen warming up in his black uniform, only worn during the 1911 World Series, prior to a game in the Polo Grounds. This photo was by Brown Brothers, their 108 Fulton…

Chief Bender portrait by George Burke in 1931 when he was a coach for the New York Giants.

Matty modeling his purple plaid uniform which was only used in 1916. This uniform was probably one of the most distinctive looks seen in baseball history.

Cartoon postcard with what we believe is Mathewson’s head superimposed over the cartoon figure of a baseball player. In 1910 Mathewson had become one of the few player’s in baseball earning a salary of $10,000 a year.

Game action postcard with Mathewson on the mound in the Polo Grounds in New York. His distinctive pose is reminiscent of his T3 card pose. Analysis of the scoreboard establishes this was during the August 23, 1913 game against the Cincinnati Reds. The second postcard,…

Lee Stopple, a noted photographer, took this image of Mathewson and the similar image of Home Run Baker also in this collection. The clarity and composition of the photos is of exceptional quality and we can get a sense of Stopple from the accolades he…

Christy Mathewson shown in his 1913-1914 World Tour sweater. This photo was likely taken in Marlin Springs, Texas during Spring Training 1914. The postcard was addressed to, and owned by, Mathewson himself. It was sent to him c/o the Giants at the Polo Grounds by…

Christy Mathewson in his distinctive 1916 New York Giants purple plaid uniform. This photo was take in the Polo Grounds in New York. Here is a full version of shot that has been blocked to achieve a shot similar to our image above.

Iconic Christy Mathewson pose that was the basis for the Tuxedo tobacco ads featuring Matty. Here is a print ad from 1913, Tuxedo regularly used images of and endorsements from sports and entertainment stars of the day for their ads. This photo was taken and…

Christy Mathewson at the Polo Grounds in New York in his PM1 pin pose.

Mathewson demonstrates the raw power of his delivery. Taken by noted Collier’s war photo correspondent, J.H. Hare at the Polo Grounds, New York. Based on the uniforms, this photo dates to 1909.