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A Photographic Treasury of Baseball’s Deadball Era

This image of Tinker was taken by Francis P. Burke of Burke & Atwell. The image appeared in the October 24, 1910 Lincoln Daily Star newspaper. Note the paper tag on the original print which appears in the newspaper image. Battered, but beautiful!

Buy Now – $5,000   Joe Tinker at the bat, and Roger Bresnahan behind the plate at the Polo Grounds in 1908. The script writing at right identifies both. One of the better in game images of Tinker. Photo by Brown Brothers. This image was…

Sharp and clear contact print by Underwood & Underwood of the Chicago Cubs team in 1912. The team is in their road uniform and jackets and are posed by the duguot at the Polo Grounds in New York. “Three Finger” Mordecai Brown is the third…

The Chicago Cubs Hall of Famer Joe Tinker poses in the West Side Grounds in Chicago circa 1910.