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A Photographic Treasury of Baseball’s Deadball Era

Babe Ruth at bat in Spring Training in St. Petersburg, Florida in 1925. We can establish the exact year based on the follow through image that has the pertinent information on the paper slug on back and the N.E.A. April 1925 date stamp. In fact,…

Charles Conlon die cut photo of Babe Ruth with the Boston Red Sox circa 1918. Printed in the 1930s from the original negative. The Sporting News owned many of Conlon’s negatives. This image is from the Sporting News Archive and was used to produce a…

This is a game program from Babe Ruth’s second game, the game depicted on the real photo postcard of Ruth in this collection. This is the first appearance of Ruth’s name in a Major League program. The program shown above for was issued for the…

This historically significant image is the earliest known original photo of Babe Ruth, the most celebrated baseball player ever, in the Majors. The image was likely snapped by a fan from the first base stands. Ruth is on the mound in his second major league…