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A Photographic Treasury of Baseball’s Deadball Era

Photograph of Billy Goeckel when he was with the University of Pennsylvania c. 1894. Goeckel appeared in the Majors with the Philadelphia Phillies in 1899. Hemment was one of the early innovators of on-field game action. He is the father of the “photo-finish”.

Sequence series from innovative photographer, John C. Hemment who was the father of the “photo finish”. These were taken circa 1903 at the Polo Grounds.

This image of Bresnahan was shot against the infield wall at the Polo Grounds in circa 1905. It is part of a series of shots showing Bresnahan going into his crouch. It is reminiscent of the Mathewson sequence done by John C. Hemment. It has…

Christy Mathewson taken by John C. Hemment circa 1903 at the Polo Grounds. Hemment was pioneer in action photography, designing his own dual lens camera, and is known as the father of the “photo finish” at horse races. Hemment took series of action shots, these…