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A Photographic Treasury of Baseball’s Deadball Era

Buy Now – $2,900   Terrific mounted composite photo of the members of the 1910 pennant winning Philadelphia Athletics. Razor sharp images of the team. These images are not seen anywhere else.  

Walter Johnson shown at an exhibition game in his hometown of Humboldt, Kansas on November 7, 1912. There are several other postcards of Johnson from this game.

This image of Clarke was taken by William Vander Weyde in circa 1903. It is shown in the Eastman Museum online collection of Weyde negatives. This print was also used to create this 1907 postcard of Clarke. The image was also used on this September…

This image depicts Christy Mathewson, likely in Spring Training, in cicra 1904 to 1906. The uniform he was wearing was only used in 1904 and 1905. The postcard back is undivided which means prior to early 1907. Note the medicine ball at his feet.

Rube Foster, the father of black baseball, formed his American Giants team in 1911. This is one of the earliest images of the team August 1911 at the “Big Days” festival in Fennimore, Wisconsin. Top Row: Bill Pierce, Bill Monroe and ? Middle Row: Andrew…

This vignette postcard of Hall of Famer Bobby Wallace is postmarked 1909, but depicts Wallace wearing a 1907 St. Louis Browns uniform. This postcard is similar to the 1909 Pittsburg Pirates vignette postcard series, however no other postcards of Browns of this type are known.

Rarely seen real photo composite postcard of the World Champion A’s, likely issued during the 1911 World Series. The October 28, 1911 postmark is only two days after the A’s completed their victorious series against the New York Giants. “Champion Athletics” could refer to the…

Wonderfully detailed real photo postcard of the 1908 St. Louis Browns featuring Hall of Famers Rube Waddell and Bobby Wallace. By the General Photo Co. which also produced non real photo versions. Here is our postcard with another postcard of the same image naming the…

Real Photo Postcard showing the playing field, looking out to left field of Columbia Park, home of the Philadelphia Athletics through 1908. The title on front identifies it as New York vs. Athletics. The postmark on back is 1913, but the image was clearly shot…

This real photo postcard depicts Jack Chesbro in his New York Highlanders uniform at the September 29, 1905 game between the Middletown Asylum reunion team and the Cuban X Giants which took place on the grounds of the Middletown State Homeopathic Hospital in Middletown, New…

Eddie Collins strikes a pose in Mineral Wells, Texas circa 1916 where the Chicago White Sox trained that Spring.