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A Photographic Treasury of Baseball’s Deadball Era

An extremely rare cabinet card/photo. This 1911 issue depicts Cubs manager HOFer Frank Chance in a photograph that has been mounted the pre-printed mount.

Red Faber during Spring Training in 1918 at Mineral Wells, Texas. We know it is 1918 by the stamp and the uniform which the Chicago White Sox wore in the 1917 World Series. We also know it is 1918 based on this news photo which…

These photographs depict Sportsman’s Park in St. Louis, the initial home stadium of the St. Louis Browns (now Cardinals), in circa 1890. They are mounted on maroon Kodak mounts with gold gilt edges. Before we even delve into the images themselves, we can narrowly determine…

These stunning snapshots were taken by a fan at the August 8, 1908 extra innings battle between the visiting Pittsburg Pirates and the hometown Philadelphia Phillies at the Baker Bowl. The Baker Bowl as it appeared before the grandstand enlargement before the 1910 season which…

A George Grantham Bain glass plate negative showcasing Christy Mathewson pitching in the the Polo Grounds in 1913. Mathewson’s distinctive delivery is readily evident. Few images of Mathewson in actual game action exist. The print shown at top is an original print made from this…

This is an original George Grantham Bain glass plate negative of Home Run Baker at the Polo Grounds in New York during the 1911 World Series. We know it is the World Series as the dugout background matches known images of the Polo Grounds which…

This shot by Underwood & Underwood is reminiscent of Bain’s earlier coming on the field shots from the 1911 and 1912 World Series. This one was taken as the Red Sox walked on the field prior to Game 1 of the World Series at the…

This picturesque image of Larry Doyle was taken by Louis Van Oeyen at Forbes Field in Pittsburg on September 19, 1911. The date is noted on back in Van Oeyen’s own hand. A check of the boxscores shows that the New York Giants indeed played…

This is simply one of the best photographs of Columbia Park, home of the Philadelphia Athletics from 1901-1908, existent. The note in the margin in the handwriting of the photographer mentions it depicts a game between Cleveland and Philadelphia, the Athletics are in the field…

This real photo postcard depicts Jack Chesbro in his New York Highlanders uniform at the September 29, 1905 game between the Middletown Asylum reunion team and the Cuban X Giants which took place on the grounds of the Middletown State Homeopathic Hospital in Middletown, New…

This is the iconic photo of Keeler by Carl Horner which was used for the T206, E90-1, T204 Ramly and Fan Craze sets. It was also this exact photo which was used for Highlander team page in the 1907 Lajoie Baseball Guide, note the painted…