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Jack Lapp appears in this 1911 postcard sponsored by a local Philadelphia camera store, Haworth’s, which specialized in Kodaks and also produced real photo postcards for customers as explained on the below advertising sample. The card is postmarked in October 1911 making it highly likely…

Eddie Collins is seen sliding into second base at a game between the Red Sox and A’s at the Huntington Grounds in Boston circa 1909. This postcard has been trimmed to focus on the central action. Rare close in shot of game action during this…

Jack Coombs appears in this 1911 postcard sponsored by a local Philadelphia camera store, Haworth’s, which specialized in Kodaks and also produced real photo postcards for customers as explained on the below advertising sample. The only other known card from this set, Jack Lapp, is…

Cleveland Naps team postcard showcasing Carl Horner photographic images. This card was issued by the Souvenir Post Card Shop in Cleveland and is rare with the advertising slug on front. The shop issued a full postcard set featuring the individual player shots shown here in…

This image is from a Chicago Cubs barnstorming trip to Henry, Illinois in 1914 where they played the local team after parading through town in open automobiles. Note the ball in flight a few feet from the pitcher’s hand. Also note the tiny bear cub,…

Chief Bender in his Pinkerton T5 and scorecard image. The original photo is by Charles Conlon as seen in the Collection. Pinkerton, a tobacco company, issued the T5 cabinet cards with an actual photo print and also smaller postcard sized lithographic scorecard back and plan…

Charles Conlon photo of Albert Kip Selbach in 1904 with the Boston Red Sox.

Cy Young at the bat in Spring Training 1911. This photo was likely taken in Hot Springs, Arkansas in February where a conglomeration of Major League players gathered before joining their teams. Note the glove tucked into his waist and his Cleveland sweater. Judging by…

Taken by a fan from the stands at Cy Young Day on August 13, 1908 at Huntington Grounds in Boston as the Red Sox played a team of American League All-Stars who were recruited for the occasion. Young is seen at home plate receiving his…

Home Run Baker scores a run during the 1913 World Series in Game 1. The A’s hunchback mascot and good luck charm, Louis Van Zelst, is there to congratulate him.

Stunning photo of Vic Willis in 1909 in the newly constructed Forbes Field in Pittsburgh. Perhaps the finest on field image of Willis that exits. 1909 was the last year Willis was with the Pirates and was also the year Forbes Field opened, thus definitely…