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A Photographic Treasury of Baseball’s Deadball Era

This photo clearly depicts the West Side Grounds in Chicago.  It was found in a black paged scrapbook with circa 1910s photos with the white writing on the black paper as was common in that era.  The Velox markings evident on back also are likely…

Atmospheric shot of Chicago’s West Side Grounds, home of the Cubs, circa 1908. Note the lettering “Chicago National League Baseball Club” around the rim of the top of the stadium behind the grandstand and the belching smokestacks behind the third base grandstands.

Great George Grantham Bain photo of the 1908 Opening Day teams, The New York Highlanders and Philadelphia Athletics, sitting against the outfield wall. Hall of Famers Chief Bender, Jack Chesbro and Willie Keeler can be picked out from the crowd. This photo is one of…

These snapshots of Bender on the mound in Boston’s Braves Field were taken in 1917 when Bender was with the Philadelphia Phillies. The photos are still mounted to the scrapbook page they were found in.

Oversized 14 x 17 game action shot of Bender at the Hilltop Park in New York. The Armory building, built in 1911, is evident behind the wall. This huge image would have hung at a newsstand to sell papers.

The last stop on the World Tour was in London in February of 1914. The Tourists played in Stamford Bridge Stadium in Chelsea in front of the King of England, George V. The soccer pitch at Stamford Bridge was adapted for the game, including the…

This image captures Jack Lapp, catcher for the Philadelphia Athletics, about to apply the tag to the runner during the 1913 World Series. Hall of Fame Pitcher Eddie Plank is seen near home plate and Hall of Fame third baseman Frank Baker is covering the…