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A Photographic Treasury of Baseball’s Deadball Era

An extremely rare cabinet card/photo. This 1911 issue depicts Cubs manager HOFer Frank Chance in a photograph that has been mounted the pre-printed mount.

This image of Mathewson was taken by an American Press Association photographer at the 1911 World Series. That World Series was the only time the New York Giants wore a black cap with a white brim. Note the details and dark “NY” on Matty’s sweater.…

A George Grantham Bain glass plate negative showcasing Christy Mathewson pitching in the the Polo Grounds in 1913. Mathewson’s distinctive delivery is readily evident. Few images of Mathewson in actual game action exist. The print shown at top is an original print made from this…

This is an original George Grantham Bain glass plate negative of Home Run Baker at the Polo Grounds in New York during the 1911 World Series. We know it is the World Series as the dugout background matches known images of the Polo Grounds which…

This shot by Underwood & Underwood is reminiscent of Bain’s earlier coming on the field shots from the 1911 and 1912 World Series. This one was taken as the Red Sox walked on the field prior to Game 1 of the World Series at the…

Here is an original glass plate negative produced by George Grantham Bain of Chief Bender at the 1911 World Series in the Polo Grounds in New York. Also here is an original period print from that negative which has been cropped to focus on Bender.…

This striking portrait of Eddie Collins was taken by Paul Thompson in 1915. We know it is 1915 by the uniform. Collins joined the White Sox that year and that is the last year they wore that uniform.

Wonderful 5 x 7 image of Opening Day 1911 at Hilltop Park, home of the New York Highlanders.  Hal Chase, the Highlander’s manager is seen being presented a floral wreath.  The opposing team is the Washington Nationals. There are other Bain shots of this day in…

Nice image of Baker in his follow through in the upturned collar that he really seems to have favored. Brown Brothers image with the early “108 Fulton St.” stamped that has been covered over in purple.

This photo of Joe Wood dates to 1912 at Fenway, likely during the World Series as newspapers show the image in October 1912. The dark India ink masking was used for publication of the photo. The International News stamp on back is correct for the…

This pair of Brown Brothers photos depict Chief Bender. A close comparison of the outfield wall shows the photos were likely taken the same day.

A Brown Brothers photograph of Frank Baker in his follow through during warmups. Note the upturned collar and the massive size of the bat he swung. This image was taken at the Polo Grounds in 1911 which makes this likely a World Series warmup image.