Bender portrait that is just a tick off from his Cracker Jack card pose. Image by the Pictorial News Co. which may have been acquired later by the Keystone View Company as many Pictorial News photos have 1920’s Keystone stamps.

Chief Bender at the bat circa 1911. This image was used for the 1911 Stevens Firearms ink blotter.

Bender and fellow Native American, Chief Meyers, meet prior to the start of the 1911 World Series. Photograph is by George Grantham Bain. This was a famous scene of the two Native Americans shaking hands before the start of the game. There is a second…

This is a pair of Brown Brothers images, clearly taken at the same time and likely from Spring Training based on the ballpark.

Large portrait photo of Bender with an intense stare. This image was taken by the American Press Association.

Bender is shown here trapshooting with Christy Mathewson. The two of them went on tour in the off season with Harry Davis and Otis Crandell. Bender was a superb trapshooter. Mathewson is wearing is 1914 World Tour sweater.

This photo is a near twin to the other Baker batting photo with the same players in the background. This one was taken by Paul Thompson’s agency.

Baker is shown in the famous sweater that the Philadelphia Athletics wore during their championship run in 1910-1911.

Portrait image of Home Run Baker. This collar style was one used by the A’s in 1913 and 1914 when Baker was with them.

Famous Charles M. Conlon image of Baker that was used for the T227 baseball card set. The image was also used in newspaper ads for Coca-Cola as well.

Huge 14 x 17 oversize photo of an intense Baker. These were hung at newsstands to sell newspapers, thus the oversize type on back to enable it to be read at a distance. The largest Type 1 Deadball Era photograph we have ever seen.

This image of Baker in batting practice was taken contemporaneously with the similar Paul Thompson agency image in this collection. Note the same players in the background of both images.