Marquard at the Polo Grounds in 1909. This photo was shot by noted Colliers war photographer J.H. Hare, one of Hare’s few baseball photos. Note the early version of the Michelin Man ad on the outfield wall.

Buy Now – $1,500 Rube Marquard depicted in his first ever Major League game. Marquard was called up to the Giants on September 23rd 1908 after being purchased for $11K from Indianapolis that summer. He appeared in his one and only game in 1908…

Wee Willie Keeler demonstrates his classic bunting form. This image was part of a series of three shots obviously taken at the same batting session. Ours is the center shot and is among the most iconic of Deadball images. Red Kleinow is the catcher behind…

Paul Thompson shot a celebrated series of portraits that were used to produce the T205 set. This Crawford portrait could have been used for a T205 card if he had been included in the set, he was one of several high profile omissions from that…

Sam Crawford comes in on a fly ball. This photo is by noted baseball photographer Charles Conlon.

Sam Crawford playing first base as photographed by Charles Conlon. He spent most of his time in the outfield for the Tigers, so this is an unusual pose.

Snapshot of Sam Crawford circa 1910. This photo was taken at the recently constructed Comiskey Park in Chicago.

Eddie Collins at the bat in Shibe Park, Philadelphia by Brown Brothers photographers. A second copy of this image, which has been more tightly cropped, is also in the Collection as seen below.

Collins at the Hilltop Park in New York in 1910 in a photo by George Grantham Bain. This must be no later than a 1910 photo based on the fact it was published in newspapers in 1910 and was the image used for the rare…

This cabinet photo showcases a young Ty Cobb in the center of the image. This shot was taken during the Tigers inaugural run to a World Series appearance and was the basis for several postcards.

Ty Cobb slides into third with Home Run Baker covering the bag. Famous image where Cobb spiked Baker causing a major controversy.

Ty Cobb at the West Side Grounds in Chicago during the 1907 World Series. Simply one of the best early images of Cobb around. The original negative is in the Chicago History Museum which has labeled it as taken during the 1907 World Series. Additionally,…