This composite photo of Opening Day shows Chief Bender scoring the first run of the season and President Taft throwing out the first ball.

Great George Grantham Bain photo of the 1908 Opening Day teams, The New York Highlanders and Philadelphia Athletics, sitting against the outfield wall. Hall of Famers Chief Bender, Jack Chesbro and Willie Keeler can be picked out from the crowd. This photo is one of…

A great example of a press photo used for a newspaper article. This photo was used for this article in a October 1911 newspaper just prior to his appearance in the World Series against the Giants.

Bender in his brief appearance with the Chicago White Sox in 1924. He had retired after the 1917 season, and come out of retirement to appear in a handful of games with the White Sox.

Bender is shown trapshooting with fellow ballplayers including his teammate HOF pitcher Grover Alexander who is wearing his Phillies sweater.

Nice sepia toned portrait image of Bender. Photo by the American Press Association. Two copies of the photo are shown, it is interested to see the slight differences in tone and contrast.

Paul Thompson T205 portrait image of the Chief. Perhaps the finest quality portrait of Bender.

Paul Thompson captures Bender beginning his windup.

Bender warms up pregame. Home Run Baker is standing behind him. This is a known Paul Thompson agency image. This image was also used to produce the 1913 Tom Barker game card.

Bender extends his delivery at the Hilltop Park in New York. Yet another photo exhibiting the grace of Bender’s pitching form. These photos were intended to be used by newspapers. A great example of this is how this Bender image has been incorporated to a…

These snapshots of Bender on the mound in Boston’s Braves Field were taken in 1917 when Bender was with the Philadelphia Phillies. The photos are still mounted to the scrapbook page they were found in.

Bender press photo. Editing marks, typical of a working press photo of the period are readily evident.