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A Photographic Treasury of Baseball’s Deadball Era

Clyde Milan, Washington Senators circa 1910 by Harris & Ewing and distributed by Paul Thompson’s The Article Syndicate.

Circa 1910 shot of Stanage shot by Harris & Ewing and distributed by Paul Thompson’s The Article Syndicate.

This image is likely by Francis Burke. It was taken at the West Side Grounds in Chicago during the 1912 season. This was Lowdermilk only season in Chicago and he played in just two games.

A 1911 rookie image of Grover Cleveland Alexander. We know this image is from 1911 visually by the black crepe armband worn on his left sleeve, such armband was worn in 1911 by the Philadelphia Phillies in honor of their club vice-president Frank Elliot who…

George Beck who appeared in one Major League game for Cleveland in 1914. Prior to that he was in camp with the Boston Braves with whom he is depicted in the photo. The photo is by Jack Williams of the Boston Traveler.

Nap Lajoie of the Cleveland Naps circa 1913-1914 at National Park in Washington D.C., the home of the Washington Senators. This photo was taken by Harris & Ewing who partnered with Paul Thompson’s The Article Syndicate to distribute photos during this period. It is rare…

Action shot of Hal Chase of the New York Highlanders early in his career. Based on the uniform and the background this was likely taken in Spring Training in Atlanta in 1908. There is a period Pictorial News Co. stamp on back with a couple…

Eppa Rixey of the Philadelphia Phillies early in his career. The caption explains how his recent victory was helping seal the Phillies National League Pennant.

Buy Now Perhaps Bender’s best known photo. This image was shot by Charles Conlon and was used for numerous card issues such as the T206 “No Trees” and T5 Pinkerton cabinet. Analysis of the scoreboard in the expanded image above determines this photo was taken on…

Fascinating photo of Germany Schaefer, who was touring with the Chicago White Sox for their 1913-1914 World Tour with the New York Giants, photographing the team’s mascot Nixey Callahan’s kid. The image was taken pregame at the game played at Stamford Bridge Stadium in Chelsea,…