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A Photographic Treasury of Baseball’s Deadball Era

This photo if part of a series of Baker shots that George Grantham Bain took in Spring Training 1916 when Baker first joined the Yankees after being bought for $25,000 form the Philadelphia A’s as shown in the news photo below. Baker is seen here…

This photo if part of a series of Baker shots that George Grantham Bain took in Spring Training 1916 when Baker first joined the Yankees after being bought for $25,000 form the Philadelphia A’s as shown in the news photo below. Baker is seen rounding…

This photo if part of a series of Baker shots that George Grantham Bain took in Spring Training 1916 when Baker first joined the Yankees after being bought for $25,000 form the Philadelphia A’s as shown in the news photo below. Also note the bat…

This image captures Jack Lapp, catcher for the Philadelphia Athletics, about to apply the tag to the runner during the 1913 World Series. Hall of Fame Pitcher Eddie Plank is seen near home plate and Hall of Fame third baseman Frank Baker is covering the…

Bain captures the Philadelphia Athletics coming on the field at the Polo Grounds in New York for the first game of the World Series in which they would ultimately prevail and repeat as World Champions. The elephant sweaters are one of the iconic uniform pieces…