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Perhaps the most graceful images of Bender ever shot. Taken at Shibe Park in Philadelphia by the American Press Association. In our humble opinion, these are the best Chief Bender photos ever shot.

Large portrait photo of Bender with an intense stare. This image was taken by the American Press Association.

Portrait image of Home Run Baker. This collar style was one used by the A’s in 1913 and 1914 when Baker was with them.

Huge 14 x 17 oversize photo of an intense Baker. These were hung at newsstands to sell newspapers, thus the oversize type on back to enable it to be read at a distance. The largest Type 1 Deadball Era photograph we have ever seen.

This is a 1915 American Press Association composite photo that appeared in the Police Gazette. Stars of the American League, National League and Federal League are depicted. The backdrop is of Fenway Park in Boston during the eighth game of the 1912 World Series as…

Chief Bender just before game 5 of the 1911 World Series at Shibe Park in Philadelphia. Bender won the game and the A’s went on to defeat the New York Giants in the series to claim the World Championship. Graig Kreindler, the noted artist, used…