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Heine Groh of the New York Giants at the Polo Grounds circa 1912 by Brown Brothers.

Cy Seymour in his follow through, circa 1908.

Topsy Hartsel leaping for a ball at Spring Training circa 1914, image by Brown Brothers.

New York Giants Hooks Wiltse in Marlin, Texas for Spring Training. It is likely Christy Mathewson standing behind him the plaid coat, as this coat was a favorite of Mathewson. Image used for B18 blanket.

1914 New York Giants on Opening Day. Photo by The Article Syndicate, Paul Thompson’s photo agency. Christy Mathewson is at far left wearing his 1913 World Tour sweater. From the Michael Mumby Collection.

Image of what is presumed to be catcher Billy Sullivan of the Chicago White Sox.

Brown Brothers image of Harry Davis on the dugout steps.  

Olaf Henrickson of the Boston Red Sox c. 1912 by Boston Photo News Co.