This image was snapped from Coogan’s Bluff overlooking the Polo Grounds during a game between the New York Giants and the Boston Doves on April 28, 1909. The back annotation mentions the game and the scoreboard confirms that description.
The scorboard shows Boston leading New York 2-0 in the first inning. St. Louis v. Pittsburg, Chicago v. Cincinatti, Brooklyn v. Philadelphia with the score tied 0-0 through three innings, and the AL New York Yankees leading the Boston Red Sox 1-0 with their run having scored during the second inning. All of these statistics are born out after review of boxscores from across the league that day.

Additionally we can determine that we are in the first inning of our game and that the Boston Doves are in the field. The leftfielder is left handed which matches the Boston Dove’s leftfielder that day, Johnny Bates, whose glove we can see. The Giants leftfielder that day was Buck Herzog who was righthanded. That is Ginger Beaumont, the Doves centerfielder, seen in center.

Note all the ads and compare them to the 1911 Polo Grounds – After the Fire image also in the Collection.