Magnificent vista of the Polo Grounds during the 1911 World Series. The stadium had just been constructed that year. Views from Coogan’s Bluff are fairly common, views straight on from centerfield which show the bluffs above the stadium are much more uncommon. Note the spectators standing on the bluff to watch the game and the eagles ringing to the top rim of the stadium.

We know it is the 1911 World Series because the New York Giants in the field are wearing their all black uniforms which were only worn during the 1911 World Series. Also the runner going to first is wearing his sweater with the elephant on the left breast which matches the Philadelphia Athletics uniform that year. Christy Mathewson, a right hander pitched complete game in two of the three games at the Polo Grounds during the Series. Marquard, a left hander, started the other and while two right handers relieved him during the game it is very likely it is Mathewson shown on the mound in our image.

The photo was by Brown Brothers and the stamping on the back with the Fulton address is correct for that time period.