It is very unusual to find pre 1910 major league game action photos, but that is exactly what we have here. These three images were all taken during the August 11, 1909 game between the Boston Red Sox and Cleveland Naps at Huntington Grounds in Boston. The period handwritten descriptions on the back of the photos match the game description which was in the August 12, 1909 Boston Globe. The photos were mailed to Dr. Alfred.A. Clift, the team physician of the Boston Red Sox, on Huntington Avenue and the initials A.A.C. are at the bottom of the inscriptions on the back of the photos, Dr. Clift no doubt added the game descriptions himself. You will note the “1911?” written on the back of a couple of the photos and on the envelope is in a different hand and writing implement than the original inscriptions. It is possible that Clift shot these images himself.
The first image is of the action in the first inning. The third baseman Perring is seen tagging out Harry Lord while Addie Joss and the umpire Sheridan look on. How many game action photos of Joss can even exist given his untimely demise? The Boston Globe excerpt describes the action as well.

The next image shows Wagner scoring on a close play at the plate in the second inning as umpire O’Laughlin looks on. Note the catcher Easterly’s glove flying in midair. This is one of the more stunning Deadball images we have encountered.

The final photo shows Lajoie being thrown out at the plate by Carrigan in the sixth inning.