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A Photographic Treasury of Baseball’s Deadball Era


“Jim Chapman has gifted baseball fans a lovely, lavish, and treasured tome: he’s opened up his passion for BASEBALL PHOTOGRAPHY OF THE DEADBALL ERA, an endlessly fascinating, scrupulously detailed, and utterly unique treatment of the ultimate collection of our favorite game, and his beautifully produced book is a worthy finalist for this year’s Casey Award.” – Mark Schraf, presenter at the CASEY Awards

“Chapman brings it all together in this definitive edition on Deadball Era photography that is unmatched in depth and scope.”  – Henry Yee, Principal Authenticator, PSA Photo Authentication Services and author of the Foreword to the book

“Baseball Photography of the Deadball Era is a key that unlocks the world of photography. This book is for collectors and those intrigued by the work of overlooked photographers or moved by the enigmatic power of an image.”  – Paul Reiferson, noted collector and connoisseur whose objects have been exhibited in over 30 museums and who shares his passion for photography through writings and lectures

“If this book is not in your library, then your library is not complete!!” – Greg N.

“It has to rank up there as one of the best reference books for any area of the hobby that I have seen.” -Rhys Y.

“Truly Extraordinary. Aside from the selection of incredible photos, the text is wonderful. There is so much knowledge being passed on, but the writing style is relaxing and so enjoyable to read. Just floored by how concise and beautiful the writing is. I fear if I don’t put the book down now I’m going to be up for hours. Bravo. All the accolades I’m not sure do this book justice. If the Baseball Hall of Fame or SABR have awards for the most important book of the year, this has to be a frontrunner.” – Steve N.

“Wow! My copy came today. Same feeling I experienced when first watching the Ken Burns documentary.” – Phil L.

“I have spent a bit of time with the book over the past week and I learn something new every time I crack it open. It is a delight to leaf through the pages. The quality of the binding and pages is superb.” – Kevin S.

“It is fabulous!” – Ken M.

“Spectacular! The photos are extraordinary and the research and composition are next level.” – Jason L.

“I’m blown away by the quality of this book, both in content as well as print quality.” – Paul L.

“Fantastic! I’ve got bookcases and bookcases of books, and I’m not sure I’ve seen one as nicely produced as this one.” – Dave B.

This past weekend I sat with the book on my lap and perused each page from cover to cover. The first thing I noticed was how well it was put together with a binding that made the pages float from one to the next. More to the point, the content itself would make any student and fan of the Deadball days weak in the knees. There are hundreds of wonderful photos and much verbiage devoted to the topic of baseball photography in many diverse aspects. I am eager to spend more time with the book. All those delightful photos that take one back in time and so much to learn.” – David M.

“I was so lucky to get of the first 100 Signed Limited Editions that I want to put it away like a piece of art … so … I just ordered a First Edition …. albeit my “reader” copy!” – Mike R.

“Bought it. Everyone should. Love it. Everyone will.” – Paul

“One of the greatest hobby books ever produced in my opinion” – Jeff P.